05 septiembre 2011

Veo que la humanidad se deshumaniza cada vez más a la vez que se une por naturaleza. No estoy segura de si ocurre por instinto o por educación. Pero al fin y al cabo, la educación también viene del instinto. 

He comprendido que la fortaleza de una relación también depende de las personas externas que intervienen en ella.

A veces siento estar en dos mundos diferentes cuando al mismo tiempo siento que solo hay uno físico que incluye tantos diferentes como la inteligencia cabe recrear. Es dífícil su convivencia y provoca desequilibrio y guerra.

Todo lo que se ha expandido volverá a encogerse, y habrá alguien que se encargue de ello.


I notice that the humanity dehumanizes more every time at the same time that they join together by nature. I am not sure whether it happens by instinct or education. After all, education comes from the instinct.

I have understood that the strength of a relationship also depends on the external people that intervene in it.

Sometimes I feel that I am in two different worlds whereas at the same time I feel that there is only a physic one that contains so many other different ones as the intelligence is able to recreate. It is difficult their coexistence and it causes unbalance and war.

Everything that has expanded in one way or the other will shrink again, and there will always be someone to make it happen.

2 comentarios:

Kris Williams dijo...

"Everything that has expanded in one way or the other will shrink again, and there will always be someone to make it happen."
This makes me think about the birth of the universe expanding from nothing, or perhaps something. Was there some one/God to create it? Or is it just part of a cycle of expanding and contracting universes and the only thing we can know is infinity exists, and so every possible life form and universe will materialise in time. I like your pictures too, they reminded me of early primal human like cave drawings and that goes well with the thoughts on human nature and the universe.

Margarita Mompeán dijo...

I think society also works like the expansion of universe, when they have freedom they end up going beyond and needs to be controlled and it is repressed by for example a dictator. Then people fight again for freedom and so on. Expands and shrinks...

Thank you Ocean